Mijn vragen

Q: Can i use a 4in1 esc with chris PDP and where i have to connect it...

gevraagd door stainermax op 2019-09-20 16:05:50

Sergy If you use 4 in 1 esc you don t need this product , it is aready integrated in 4 in 1 esc

2022-10-13 08:25:16 Nuttig (0)
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freehelot Fromrcgroups: "The MUX line is for Radio Passthrough mode which is a hardware failsafe in Arduplane." so by that explanation it is not necessary.

2021-06-28 04:11:57 Nuttig (0)
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Q: SMA or RP-SMA ?

gevraagd door stainermax op 2020-03-16 18:46:06

Crowbar8 SMA

2020-04-02 03:34:22 Nuttig (0)
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