Mijn vragen

Q: Where can i find the filters to buy?

gevraagd door BG204781537 op 2020-05-16 22:36:38

Confiteor how about this,https://www.banggood.com/Motorcycle-Activated-Carbon-Filter-Riding-Anti-Dust-Mask-Replace-Filter-Element-p-1133838.html?rmmds=search

2020-06-05 04:46:25 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Q: Please i want the USA Plug

gevraagd door BG204781537 op 2020-05-13 00:55:43

Nincompoop It seems that this is UK plug with the adapter.This is US plug1658559,you can take a look.

2020-05-13 01:39:47 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)