Mijn vragen

Q: Will this product work on an LCD with Inverter?

gevraagd door Nik_Mp84 op 2020-08-17 05:39:01

liangyan6 Inverter https://www.banggood.com/CCFL-LCD-Screen-Single-Lamp-Small-Port-High-Voltage-Bar-Wiring-Sales-Support-10-17-inch-LCD-Screen-Single-Lamp-Port-p-1726778.html

2020-09-02 22:31:12 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Q: Can you please tell me how many Ram slots this computer has?

gevraagd door Nik_Mp84 op 2018-10-07 09:20:29

Samuei 4GB DDR4L RAM for Advanced Multitasking, up to 8GB

2018-10-08 21:19:11 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)