Mijn vragen

Q: Where can I found the software?

gevraagd door Rreloand op 2023-01-12 11:31:48

Imbueeeam https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DgV-QoZa-XVnfUDwfsJkC4Zse1kMptDN?usp=sharing&pli=1

2023-01-17 03:27:23 Nuttig (0)
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Q: Can i use it for TV? Is is good for watching movies,series etc. ?

gevraagd door Rreloand op 2022-07-06 01:14:59

Lubos Ibought speakers for android tv, because I have flat sound on my TV. It helped, today I'm going to watch Blade Runner 2049, so it will be great.The speakers arrived today, so I'm just trying them out.... Toon meer

2022-08-15 02:30:24 Nuttig (1)
Antwoorden (2)