Mijn vragen

Q: hello does it support netflix ??

gevraagd door George Nikoloulis op 2019-05-17 11:57:21

LaxanDsouza Yes.it supports netflix

2019-10-13 18:58:05 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (2)

Q: can connect it with other brands of bluetooth with intercom???

gevraagd door George Nikoloulis op 2019-06-18 03:50:57

stuff4sean Donot think so, try Google reviews...

2019-08-19 04:00:55 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Jonnie yep, you could use the buttoon + or - to control.

2019-07-02 22:53:21 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Ectopia it can not connect with other brand.

2019-06-03 03:20:14 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Hangchow Flume it just can connect with the same brand intercom to use the intercom function.

2019-06-02 22:43:55 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Q: does it communicate with other bluetooth intercons

gevraagd door George Nikoloulis op 2019-03-12 17:03:55

Thi ther This is the bluetooth earphone, not the intercom, can't communicate with others

2019-03-13 22:03:03 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)