Mijn vragen

zengjiewen it is the lowest price now, in promotion , the price will go up later , order it quickly

2019-05-15 05:13:34 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

zengjiewen it is the lowest price now, in promotion , the price will go up later , order it quickly

2019-05-15 05:13:56 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

Q: cual es el alcance en distancia del equipo ? graciaa

gevraagd door carlos op 2019-04-06 05:57:38

clks07 0.5 to 1 km in closed area.. 3 to 5km range open..based on surroundings.

2019-05-04 22:07:17 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)

pelos nada tio eso no es un aire acondicionado no ces que gasta 100w

2018-09-24 14:43:03 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (1)