Mijn vragen

Q: Is the output isolated from the input power?

gevraagd door BG163816211 op 2021-02-14 18:15:08

futuromc yes.. but there is no input plug. you need to buy one separately and assemble it

2022-02-09 00:58:30 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (3)

argungucdemir Yes it is isolated with toridal core transformer with heavy wire approx 3mm dia. it has 2 seprate coil and isolated each other.

2020-11-28 03:03:50 Nuttig (1)
Antwoorden (3)

Q: Can it run dry without damage?

gevraagd door hareshp op 2018-09-10 12:22:05

montecanal Puede funcionar en seco sin daños

2019-09-08 00:22:37 Nuttig (11)
Antwoorden (10)