Alle berichten

Xevitomas Supongo que esa potencia hace referencia al consumo en W de una bombilla halógena con una luminosidad equivalente. Es normal encontrar lámparas LED que muestran su consumo en W (6-7W) y al lado su equivalente en lámparas halógenas (80-100W) supongo que esto será algo igual.

2021-12-31 03:03:41 Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (12)

Andrew van Leeuwen Nice review thanks

scaledesign 09/01/2021
Reacties (3)

Q: 100v or 220v ?

gevraagd door taccc op 2021-02-08 03:40:05

Andrew van Leeuwen Guys don't awnser if you are to stupid to know what volts are, it's an EU plug so 230V adapter regulates the voltage to 19Vdc

2021-08-16 01:34:49 Nuttig (3)
antwoorden (10)

Andrew van Leeuwen Die garantie verliep toen je em kocht.. And why can't people just talk English... 😤

2020-10-31 02:42:03 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

Andrew van Leeuwen Shut up, you won't contact fcc they will not do anything for a message And no not illegal to block out signal on a smart area like this

2020-06-28 02:46:03 Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (3)