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BG509924516 how good aproduct it is when they show a complete test apparatus and send a kit without a battery 😔

JuanAbad 16/08/2021
Reacties (2)

Q: bom dia E só o case , ele não carrega?

gevraagd door Ricardo op 2020-08-22 12:40:52

BG509924516 samo kutija ,bez baterije ne vrijedi ,prevaranti

2021-12-09 11:40:55 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (12)

BG509924516 how ok? where do the batteries come from if they don't send them❓ give me tags from them to see what i need to order ,thenks

JuanAbad 21/07/2021
Reacties (1)

BG509924516 kako to funkcionira ,koje ste baterije koristili ? whis batteries did you use to complete the device❓

arunkolathu 30/09/2021
Reacties (4)

Q: How to order this item in G-cash

gevraagd door BG349342255 op 2021-03-16 07:18:30

BG509924516 nije pošteno da prikazuju proizvod kao da je kompletan i funkcijonalan a u stvari se radi o kit komponentama

2021-12-08 01:03:27 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (5)

BG509924516 ne grije ,puhao je 30 sekundi i stao ,nisam ni stigao snimit kako je loše napravljen ,totalno sam ljut 😤

BG509924516 30/11/2021
Reacties (2)