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Q: Can i use a 2s lipo battery on this crawler?

gevraagd door WhiteNernie op 2021-03-01 08:35:21

BG934155274 yes you can.

2021-03-01 09:43:09 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (4)

Q: Would it work for a D4R-2 receiver?

gevraagd door WhiteNernie op 2021-03-25 11:38:07

Sparkle no

2021-03-30 04:46:09 Nuttig (0)
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Q: Can this fit Eachine Stack-X F4 Flytower?

gevraagd door mudtunnel op 2018-07-03 08:15:06

WhiteNernie Possibly,it has mounting holes for both 20 x 20 and 30 x 30.

2021-02-25 06:44:42 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

WhiteNernie Yesit does. Do not remove the sticker til after soldering or you might screw up the positive and negative.

2021-02-25 06:43:12 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (7)

Q: What camera do you need for this frame?

gevraagd door Rook62 op 2019-07-19 06:33:43

WhiteNernie Youneed a full size's and micro's will not work.

2021-02-25 06:41:37 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)