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Bill Tryto locate faulty led obtain another one and solder it in place if possible or link across shorting out the led so it wont stop current flow

2020-03-16 06:37:19 Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (6)

BG344213471 I just looked at that library very briefly a while back after writing my own, and if I remember correctly there where some comments regarding timing that might needed to be adjusted. Have you tried the Adafruit library? Follow their guide. Add the 1000uF capacitor and don't try to reduce brightness by putting a series resistor on the power line. They recommend a resistor on the data line, but I've forgotten why. Those things aside, are you sure it's getting enough power? Too low voltage or current (these can pull a lot) can result in weird behavior. Each LED cleans up the signal before passing it on to the next LED in the chain, so if a few LEDs work fine you might want to check the power levels and that you're sending data fast enough. The library should do this though, but IIRC the library you mentioned is pushing the limits and if waiting too long between writes to the input it will consider it to be a reset condition and start over, writing to the first LED again. TL;DR check Adafruit Neopixel tutorial and library. Make sure you use a separate power source (e.g. don't use the 5V or VIN pin on the Arduino.

2022-08-25 10:16:08 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (3)

denisj Ioho acquistato 6 boards e uso anche io FastLED ... ma non mi si accendono tutti i led ogni board mi va fino a circa meta (tipo fino al led 39) e poi da li in poi non si accendono. Sai per caso quale puo essere il problema ? Grazie

birrozza 21/05/2019
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