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BG175303893 24/03/2022
My board matches the images precisely and works fine. I received both the headers and the battery cable as shown. Note that this is not an actual Wemos product, the only similarity is that it uses the same battery connector as the lolin32 boards. So you won't find a schematic or detailed specs on the net (e.g. it is unclear what the max input voltage of the mystery 3.3V regulator marked 81m72de is). The display worked with the Adafruit SSD1306 library with Wire.begin(5, 4); display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); The auto-flash circuit doesn't have enough capacitance on the EN line to work, so you have to manually press the buttons on the board to start loading your program over USB. Fortunately there is an extra pair of pads for another EN switch on the back of the board, and soldering a 2.2 or 4.7 uF size-A cap here fixes the problem elegantly. For around the same price, I think the TTGO T-Display board is a better bargain (much larger color LCD screen, better documentation, much more compact and practical design, USB-C). The biggest advantage of this board is that the JTAG pins are properly accessible (getting to pin 14 requires soldering on the T-display). Some hidden features: 1. the unlabeled pads between the WROOM and the OLED are 3.3V, GND, GPIO4, GPIO5 (same as the OLED I2C connection), 2. the pads labeled JP2 are an alternative soldered connection point for the battery 3. the pads labeled R1 allow you to program the charging current of the LTC4054 battery charger with a through-hole resistor.
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