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Q: can i run 3s with this?

gevraagd door NickH op 2018-05-03 11:37:24

RCdroidFPV Yes, of course. Also 4S.

2021-04-22 07:17:53 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

Q: Where to get spareparts to this flytower

gevraagd door Andy081 op 2018-11-18 12:41:26

NickH Still no way to buy fc or esc separately and they use vertical pin connectors...

2019-07-22 05:28:17 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

Q: hello what battery size is recommanded ? 4s 650mah? thanks

gevraagd door cheiney op 2018-11-10 05:24:16

NickH I'm using 850mah 4s on the older version.

2018-11-10 12:57:50 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

NickH My video in pad came off but I managed to solder it on, then used hot glue to hold it into place. Scrape the board a little where the pad came off. The metal is at the back end. Very small.

2018-11-05 05:10:34 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

Q: Is there a way to disable to beeping?

gevraagd door NickH op 2018-07-21 04:51:23

RamNas Why would you want to disable the beeping?!? It’s one of the best features to have on a charger.

2018-10-19 12:37:15 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (2)