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Q: Do you have the datasheet or the schematic of this item? Thanks.

gevraagd door ecanastra op 2019-04-26 07:25:34

ParadoxNasha @coops Yes, a datasheet is indeed needed, in order to specify the safety tolerances for power limits on the PCB tracks... As @Carnage said, how many Amps is it capable of handling? The fuse is an indicator, but it's by no means complete... Unless it has indeed been fused to the highest safe current... Which is rather low unfortunately... So a datasheet would definitely be handy!

2020-10-22 08:54:50 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (9)

Q: Does this device work in New Zealand?

gevraagd door Russell op 2019-06-29 04:46:23

ParadoxNasha Incorrect. It is not universal. The core functionality requirement is that the countries' mobile carriers support 2G network still, which for some of us has been unavailable for many years

2020-03-10 12:15:28 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

ParadoxNasha I'm pretty certain he is not asking for the product weight... Did you even read the question or just select a response at random to type a reply with? To the OP, this will almost certainly be a 2G only device

2020-03-10 12:13:38 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (3)

Q: how do I turn it off

gevraagd door hansi op 2020-01-22 01:12:25

ParadoxNasha This person clearly has a question, and they are asking it in the appropriate section, titled QUESTIONS, and you could at least respect that and provide a helpful ANSWER, like everyone else, rather than thinking you are above it and spamming the same useless information to contact support

2020-03-10 12:05:22 Nuttig (4)
antwoorden (1)

ParadoxNasha Yes, it of course matches the accepted input range of the device! For your info, car voltage will vary between 11VDC to 15VDC depending on battery SoC, whether engine hence alternator is running and electrical demand of other devices

2020-03-10 11:58:01 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

Q: t-mobile-stopt-in-2020-met-2g-gsm any options?

gevraagd door esctec op 2019-12-08 08:36:22

ParadoxNasha "Sorry I don't know" top answer there Pachy, not a bot at all! The question really is... Why the hell?

2020-03-10 11:52:08 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (3)

Q: Hey can we install our own server on this device?

gevraagd door sissub11 op 2019-08-06 11:26:17

ParadoxNasha "Sorry I don't know, ask the supplier" to paraphrase.... Top answer kiddo, you really cracked the case wide open with that one woohoo! You should be proud of your efforts!

2020-03-10 11:50:08 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (6)

Q: 110V vagy 220V?

gevraagd door Mcfree op 2020-01-25 12:44:40

ParadoxNasha Adapter is included, and is rated for 100VAC - 240VAC

2020-03-10 11:37:25 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

ParadoxNasha Lost in translation... Or straight up ignorance? Sometimes it's just too damned hard to tell... This place really can cause the hope for the future of the human race be ripped from your soul...

2020-03-10 11:33:01 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

Q: my chest is 38 inch and my waist is 34 inch, what size should I choose

gevraagd door BouncerW op 2020-01-01 11:35:39

ParadoxNasha I'm not fat 😭 I'm just big-boned!!

2020-03-10 11:22:41 Nuttig (3)
antwoorden (4)

ParadoxNasha John, I feel your pain mate. The answers to a vast majority of questions are of absolutely zero help what-so-ever! Of I had a dollar for every "answer" that said "I don't know", or appears to answer another question entirely, I would be a rich man! Clearly there is a small group of people, answering a vast majority of questions, and these people have no intention of keeping the best interests of the question posted at heart, but are more focused on purely providing some content in order to receive their reward or tally up their total responses! Now on to the immediate matter... A "power bank" is by absolutely no means a powerful battery. Where do you get such ridiculous definitions and information?? This is the internet people... There is no excuse, and nowhere to hide when you provide such uneducated and misinformed responses!! A power bank... It's name is a literal description of what the device is and does... A power bank, is a bank of power... Otherwise known as... A battery!!

2020-03-10 10:51:53 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (1)

ParadoxNasha Brilliant right?!?! People asking if it fits XYZ model car, and very helpful support staff saying "please ensure you measure your existing screen to make sure it fits", but no measurements are provided :'(

2020-03-07 09:37:08 Nuttig (3)
antwoorden (3)

Q: Does this support 2G, 3G or 4G telephone networks?

gevraagd door ParadoxNasha op 2019-06-17 08:57:42

MaryMa no, this is only GPS tracker for kids pets

2019-06-19 09:08:22 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

Q: Does it support 2G, 3G or 4G cellular network?

gevraagd door ParadoxNasha op 2019-06-17 09:09:13

Michal Network:GSM/GPRS

2019-06-17 08:51:44 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)