
Q: Does it support raceband?

gevraagd door delkovd op 2019-06-04 02:27:47

Dio3DPrinting Yes,it supports R Band, but for racing drones in FPV it's not recommended due to delay in receiving...

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Q: Si può usare per trasmettere audio in buona qualità con l'apposita ricevente ?

gevraagd door giulianabignardi op 2019-08-14 12:51:54

Dio3DPrinting Ican't answer that, because i use this just for images, my cam don't have a mic for transmitting

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Q: posso usar com Drone Racer???

gevraagd door Elisson F da Rosa op 2019-07-01 14:49:54

Dio3DPrinting Pelosreviews que vi pela internet, at  possvel a utiliza o, porm ficar muito aqum de um Receptor especfico, como por exemplo um culos da Fatshark, por outro lado, a diferen a de valores entre os dois  abismal... Basta saber se os 100us a 150us de delay na recep o de imagens, no ir interferir para o seu uso, pois os racers podem atigir velocidades altas e qualquer atraso pode ser sinonimo de acidentes e quedas.

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Q: Can anyone tell me if this device is compatible with a Huawei Nova?

gevraagd door Zander.laubsche op 2019-06-04 08:01:48

Dio3DPrinting Idon't know this model from Huawai, but if you go to PlayStore and download the app to this device, called Go-FPV, when you open it at first time, the system verify if the phone has the compatible drivers to accept the OTG function, required for this receiver.

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Q: what tje connector of antenna ??

gevraagd door wspawn op 2019-07-05 11:38:49

Dio3DPrinting Ituses SMA Connector, also called male SMA connector

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