
Q: it is compatible for Panasonic p88?

gevraagd door Anand Kumar op 2018-02-20 20:02:33

Tom Debenedictis Ido not own this phone but according to the spec sheet it will work yes ....i cannt gaurantee as i have no phone to test it out with sorry!

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Q: Bonjour les ventilateurs sont inclus ? Cordialement.

gevraagd door ibis6659 op 2019-08-12 15:39:29

Tom Debenedictis Normally yes however the version i was sent had no fans was just large heatsink ...... i am sure was just in error ..i have written in for a replacement ..... sorry i could not be of more help.

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Tom Debenedictis I am not sure but if you are 100% that you did the proper drivers then may be it is defective... im not certain as i dont have enough info what steps exactly.... if it was on raspian or something else .....also if you have anything else installed...i would also make sure your sd card is functioning properly and that it is being detected! This is the best i can do with the given info ..I apologize!

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