
Q: So two filters are already included or no?

gevraagd door uschuster7979 op 2020-05-07 06:10:47

lflecher I don't think so. It just includes the cartridges and no cotton filters. Cotton filters have to be ordered separately.

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Q: What kind of filters come with?

gevraagd door Gwuen op 2020-05-07 06:07:45

lflecher It filters organic vapor. In addition you can fix coton filters (like N95) over those cartridges. N95 coton filters will provide you protection against COVID19, H1N1,... N95 coton filters can be purchased separately.

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lflecher To ensure N95 filtering you need to add a pair of N95 cotton filters over the cartridges (a plastic cap keeps the filters in right position).

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