
CrazyJT Definitely yes, the buds have no negative impact on your shampoo or conditioner and you hair will turn our just like it normally does. However, in answer to your last sentence, the buds will not wash your head, you will need to use some form of soap. Hope this helps.

Nuttig (31)
antwoorden (34)

Q: Can the tank get wet

gevraagd door BG573738141 op 2021-09-01 18:50:18

CrazyJT If you drop it in water the tank WILL get wet. It may not work afterwards!

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antwoorden (1)

Q: Does this model hull recoil? Also, does this model barrel recoil?

gevraagd door BG144864812 op 2021-01-31 08:53:11

CrazyJT No, barrel is static but the whole tank recoils!

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Q: Does this doorbell come out to unlock the electric door?

gevraagd door brunobartos op 2019-09-04 14:35:37

CrazyJT It works well with a butler or maid.

Nuttig (15)
antwoorden (18)

Q: how this transmits music to player of the car?

gevraagd door padmanabhan9282 op 2019-10-24 10:48:43

CrazyJT It transmits an FM signal that you can tune your car radio to receive. Simples!

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antwoorden (2)

Q: whether this remote can be used for rc cars

gevraagd door Feyfey op 2019-10-27 00:57:32

CrazyJT A compatible 2 channel one should do it. Some people prefer wheel transmitters.

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