
Q: will this fit Arrma big rock v3 3s?

gevraagd door BG141617111 op 2021-07-22 13:43:48

trigger1978 I would say no it doesn't they would be to small for a big rock

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trigger1978 the wheel base is 195mm from centre of wheel to centre of wheel

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Q: Does it need to be in fresh or salt water? Or can it be in both?

gevraagd door BG383821757 op 2020-12-06 15:34:16

trigger1978 I would say both as the motor is sealed from the water

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Q: can i put this in a b24zh as an uprgrade?

gevraagd door Carlos Claveria op 2019-06-04 17:58:14

trigger1978 I'm sure you can providing the just plug is the same

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