
BG105421441 The2-Meter band is regulated to 144.1 MHz to 148.0 MHz (144.0 to 144.1 is regulated to CW-Morse Code only) and the 70cm band is regulated to 420.0 MHz to 450.0 MHz so tuning above or below these frequencies are prohibited by Federal Law. A Federal Communications Commission License of at least the Technician Class is required to operate on all frequencies other than the 11-Meter band or GRMS (Home use walkie-talkie) frequencies. If you want to use this radio, get your license.

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BG105421441 Ihave the programming cable and the computer program and downloaded everything the program wanted and the programming will not access the radio so I programmed it manually. You need all of the information on frequencies, offsets and tones to set the radio manually or using the programming. The included manual gives enough information to program the radio but for the other information needed, you might be best advised to contact your local Amateur Radio Club for advise and help on programming the radio for your area. 73's KD0RTP

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