
Q: How long are the leads on this?

gevraagd door Kristoph999 op 2022-02-04 02:35:16

mark_solutions They are 15cm or 6" long plain leads - nice and flexible - see my unboxing on the modellermark2 YT channel

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Q: What is the shaft diameter on this?

gevraagd door chrisb306 op 2022-02-04 05:28:29

mark_solutions I can confirm it is exactly 1.5mm - see my unboxing on the modellermark2 YT Channel

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Q: what driver does this keyboard use

gevraagd door BG173312441 op 2021-08-05 18:44:29

mark_solutions There is siftware in the previous question but you don't actually need drivers in general. Windows 10 picks it up perfectly well and functions correctly. Hope that helps

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Q: How to change languages and How to use function key ?

gevraagd door BG242431617 op 2021-10-10 08:13:36

mark_solutions The function keys are the top row plus the function key (right hand side of space bar) - so Fn + 1! is equivalent to F1. Hope that helps

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Q: Hello. Would these also fit to Tekcam F60R? Thank you.

gevraagd door frenkac op 2018-08-30 08:25:20

mark_solutions Theylook the same to me - maybe check the manuals on both

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Q: apakah ready

gevraagd door BG564865713 op 2021-01-10 13:59:44

mark_solutions This is a genuine Syma helicopter - the double boxing it arrived in and everything about it shows it is real. In terms of flying its altitude hold works really well - a little "toilet bowling" at time but that is just its gyros stabilising it. For the size it is very impressive. Buy one and have fun!

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