
PropsAndWheels I have a RadioMaster TX16S (similar to Jumper, OpenTX) that I considered binding to my XK X450 VTOL, but after seeing the flight mode function switch and the 6G-3D button etc. I decided to continue using the original transmitter that came in the package. The quality of this Tx and feel of the gimbals are decent. So I did not want to take any chances of losing control of the airplane due to a configuration or control assignment error while programming my TX16S and crashing and destroying the plane.

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Q: does it have a camera

gevraagd door BG221816511 op 2020-10-19 22:26:18

PropsAndWheels No, these mini drones do not have a camera. They have white LED lights on the front, which look like a small camera, but no camera.

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Q: Have you GOT to have WiFi for drone to work ?

gevraagd door Antos op 2020-08-28 07:39:04

PropsAndWheels No external WiFi (i.e. internet access) is required to operate this drone. However, you will need your smart phone if you want to take pictures and videos through the drone's camera and watch the FPV (first person view) from the drone on the screen of your phone in real time. For this, you download and install an app, and then connect your phone to the drone using the WiFi feature of your phone (once on, the drone acts like a WiFi hotspot and you will see it under the WiFi settings screen of your phone and connect to it).

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Q: is it have a camera

gevraagd door ChrisJ op 2019-08-17 12:57:59

PropsAndWheels No, these JJRC mini drones do not have cameras. I just received mine this morning. The LED light in the front looks like a camera. I will try to post some pictures.

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PropsAndWheels HelloFriend. You are correct; this package comes with everything you need to fly this little airplane: the plane itself, radio (controller), battery (or batteries if you purchased the version with more than one battery), battery charger (connects to USB), spare propeller, and the box that also doubles as the carrying case. In the RC world, RTF (read-to-fly) means that the package contains everything you will need to get the plane up in the air (usually except the AA or AAA batteries for the radio). However, if this is your first-ever RC plane, I suggest you also purchase even a more docile, beginner-friendly airplane, something like the Volantex RC Sport Cub 500 RTF (761-4). I also have one of these, and it is an amazing airplane for newbies (get them both if you can afford them, they are both fantastic little parkflyers). I let my younger son try out the Sport Cub 500 in our local park a few days ago, and he flew it fine. He had very little prior experience with RC airplanes. If you are curious, you can watch his video on my YouTube channel "Props And Wheels". Cheers!

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