
Q: ele pode usar uma lipo 3s?

gevraagd door rcthula op 2022-06-15 10:32:41

DeadPoolAgain yes it can but not recommended. it's pretty much uncontrollable with 3s.

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Q: Do you sell spare batteries? Which is recommended?

gevraagd door godfather27 op 2022-11-29 06:03:09

BG184816454 batteries for this car have mini Tamiya connection. they are hard to find. I suggest when you receive the buggy to solder on a T or deans connector. T or Dean's connector batteries are everywhere. buy them on Amazon or local hobby store

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Q: What voltage is the battery & can extras be purchased???

gevraagd door BG114141104 op 2022-11-15 18:39:08

BG184816454 stock is 2s battery 7.2v but it can handle 11.1 or 3s. it has T connector or Dean's connector. batteries can be bought everywhere. I suggest Amazon for batteries.

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Q: Can you use wltoys 1/14 parts to upgrade ?

gevraagd door BG049201633 op 2022-07-09 08:00:32

BG184816454 no. I own both. they are not compatible. there are parts available at exbonzai(dot)com. at this price it is wise to buy 2 Jubatus. 1 for play and 1 for parts

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DeadPoolAgain the 144010 doesn't cog. was just released. the cogging was the 124016 ~ 124019. The V2 has blue controller and that's what this version came with when released

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Q: yes

gevraagd door Pierre op 2019-11-25 12:45:13

DeadPoolAgain that's a big no no

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