
Q: como faço pra atualizar a data

gevraagd door BG844572241 op 2022-09-10 10:50:15

esmart you have text file in micro card time.txt

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Q: 60 m or 25m in title 60m but description 25m ?

gevraagd door Assavamet Patike op 2019-07-16 16:27:49

esmart Connected to the solar controller only consumes 180W and 6 amp. The water only rises up to 5 meters high

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Q: The pump head.Is it 25m or 60 m? Are you able to deliver to Zambia?

gevraagd door chandaandrew37 op 2019-08-08 00:23:12

esmart 60 meters 25 meters? Never !! ... Connected to the solar controller only consumes 180W and 6 amp. The water only rises up to 5 meters high. 500 to 750 liters hour weak material, the cable smells like cheap plastic ...

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Q: comprei essa bomba agora. gostaria de saber quantas placas de 320w devo usar.

gevraagd door Cavalcante85 op 2019-06-14 10:54:40

esmart O que voçê diz?? Já mediu o consumo? e quantidade de água? Acho que o material é fraco!!

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