
Q: how fast is it and is it fast enuf to do jumps on my property

gevraagd door BG101554123 op 2021-05-16 16:59:30

RC_Odyessy_YT it is plenty fast out of the box and is a decent jumper. the only issue may be that it is quite small and does not have alot of clearance for tall grass or large stones sticks etc.

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Q: can I get new tires for off-road?

gevraagd door BG331616421 op 2021-04-19 12:33:55

RC_Odyessy_YT any tire that will fit mini z mini q will fit. look for an oval or rectangular looking slot and you will be 👍

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Q: it is required batteries or not charging cable is there are what

gevraagd door BG710323945 op 2021-03-20 02:35:41

RC_Odyessy_YT everything you need is included the battery is inside the car. the charging cable plugs into the car and is USB on the other side.

Nuttig (1)
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Q: What's the C rating for the LiPo? and any suggestion for a LiPo upgrade?

gevraagd door BG171224171 op 2020-08-19 22:20:02

RC_Odyessy_YT it will depend on where you are and what you want your battery to do.

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Q: If I get 3 car's is there going to be a connection problem? Between the cars?

gevraagd door Jense Bailliere op 2020-08-07 06:26:17

RC_Odyessy_YT no mention of binding. when the company builds them they "BIND" the controller to the receiver in the car. the bound units will never bind to another until told specifically to do so with a unbinding spell that consists of specific button sequenced presses.

Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (10)

Q: Is there a motor or battery upgrade available for this ?

gevraagd door BG533716171 op 2020-05-07 16:40:06

ratboycure yes there are many many upgreades one can make to this model, including motor and batgery. A really great resource for this car is a youtuber named beavers hobbies. he knows ot about these models and has some great videos about maintenance and modifications.

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