
Q: Whats the flying weight for the PNP?

gevraagd door Thedarthvaper op 2022-02-09 02:48:54

JSCC I wouldn't know, maybe it's in the description?

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Q: Hi, will a 3s 2200 mah lipo fit this model? Thanks.

gevraagd door Fidsey op 2021-09-14 10:49:03

JSCC That question is answered already. Read up and stop wasting our time.

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Q: can I use a2200 3cell?

gevraagd door Graham op 2021-07-07 08:10:49

JSCC No problem, there is a lot of room in the fuselage.

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Q: how deep can it go

gevraagd door BG474314192 op 2021-03-05 00:35:23

JSCC It doesn't dive, it stays just below the surface with its dorsal fin above the water.

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Q: why is not clear that the kit doesn't come with a motor or speed controller.

gevraagd door BG223754916 op 2021-02-19 10:23:56

JSCC Because you failed to understand the words "Required:(Not included)"?

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Q: Can I get spare parts for this model MD P38?

gevraagd door Michael op 2021-01-14 23:04:25

JSCC Nope, will never happen with cheap kits like this one.

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Q: Does this have flaps?

gevraagd door dangfiroz op 2021-01-03 13:43:28

JSCC It has the outlines of flaps, so you can easily cut them out. And they are HUGE compared to the ailerons.

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