
Q: Bluetooth call phone? only call reminder? or Reject the Call?

gevraagd door gsifakis op 2023-06-19 05:20:48

ADFGDF You can make Bluetooth Phone Calls, also Controls Smartphone Music and Camera, Phone Call Notifications, SMS Notifications, App Notifications, Find My Phone.

Nuttig (11)
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Q: Can we save game progress ?

gevraagd door BG291733171 op 2023-02-20 08:52:37

ADFGDF No, you can't save a game as it has no memory and the battery will not last long enough to finish it!

Nuttig (4)
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ADFGDF Depends on how big is your SD but if set to motion detection it will take months to fill it!

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ADFGDF I never had that problem so far, but someone else proposed we could use some silicon for proper insulation.

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ADFGDF Nope, you can't set a time, you can only select one or two cups, or you can stop it before it is finished.

Nuttig (0)
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ADFGDF Yes, you can login to your account and watch your camera from everywhere.

Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (6)