
Q: How long does the battery of these last?

gevraagd door Lefebvrevdw op 2021-08-13 04:32:56

cmicheli346 I don't know exactly, I can tell you that I have been using it for 8 months and it still works fine. Then you have to see how many times a day it is used, in my case 2 to 4 times a day

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cmicheli346 hello, it is as you said, only that when you connect it to the board you have to be careful that it follows the same order, for example I had to invert 2 pins on the connector that goes to the board. As you say "g" "v" "s" but on my board I have "g" "s" "v" Nothing complicated, I work for 1 minute

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cmicheli346 I can't post external links here but google Lolin32 OLED Pinout and you'll see what you need

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Q: So if I buy this I will no longer need the ethernet cable to have internet on my PC?

gevraagd door Παναγιώτα Φαλέκα op 2020-01-25 07:35:58

cmicheli346 no, per avere internet senza cavo meglio wifi non bluetooth

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