
Q: Does it work with Moto G5s plus

gevraagd door Garvit Chaudhary op 2019-04-30 05:40:54

daniloze Sure,it works with any Android smartphone.

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Q: Will it work with the eachine vr006 goggles?

gevraagd door tifward op 2019-06-22 18:52:42

daniloze It wil work with any goggles if you install the camera on a drone with some VTX transmitter.

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Q: Can you give me a link to the battery for it?

gevraagd door tifward op 2019-06-22 18:52:02

daniloze Sorry,this is not a standalone camera, there is no specific battery for it. It must be installed into a DIY drone for example.

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