
Q: hi will this trim veneered edging?

gevraagd door BG171546817 op 2022-06-12 13:32:17

Stewart I would be happy to answer this question, but I haven't received mine yet ! Sorry.

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Q: Can I use this as a tampax?

gevraagd door iz2222 op 2022-05-15 11:33:08

Stewart You could, but I wouldn't think you'd want it connected to any Mains Electricity !

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Stewart As these cutters are Metric sizes I doubt whether any of them are exactly 0.5 inch Dia. - Your best bet is to find any machine shop and ask someone to turn it down for you, it would probably cost you very little and certainly less than an Annular Carbide Cutter.

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Q: Hi there, whats the best price you can do for 200 pieces?

gevraagd door biancohire op 2022-02-14 15:01:00

Stewart Your question can only be answered by Customer Services, not the item buying public where your question was directed.

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Stewart I haven't got mine to work yet, so unfortunately I can't help in this case - sorry.

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antwoorden (7)

Q: Can you see/monitor the pressure

gevraagd door theregiteman op 2021-10-06 11:41:13

Stewart Yes the pressure is shown in the window as it rises to the limit you set.

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Q: não entendi direito para que serve...

gevraagd door BG144847572 op 2021-12-22 03:17:51

Stewart It's for use with a TIG Welding Machine to concentrate Inert Gasses where the welding pool would be exposed to Oxidising Air if not using a Shroud. The Mesh and the Diffuser (Gas lens) distributes the Gas in a homogenous stream over the welded metal and stops the Oxygen in the Air spoiling the Weld.

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