
Q: How many watts?

gevraagd door BG184113141 op 2021-09-04 06:59:20

MacHoban The watts used will vary. The unit has plenty of power to chop through a woody branch as thick as your finger, this is not a toy!

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Q: how I buy moving blades as spare ?

gevraagd door fragkyc op 2021-08-24 09:55:45

MacHoban I'm pretty sure I've seen blades sold separately but I doubt you need them. The moving blade can be easily sharpened, so should last for years.

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MacHoban It's a light, inexpensive machine with modest power. It's unlikely to cope with increased voltage. Keeping the chain blades very sharp and correctly set will help.

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Q: cuanto dura la bombona

gevraagd door Bertorr2000 op 2021-07-16 11:07:17

MacHoban If you meant how long can you breathe from the cylinder before it's empty, the answer is about one minute.

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Q: Is it good for Lexus car GS 300

gevraagd door BG224911710 op 2021-05-27 05:04:33

MacHoban Should suit any modern car with that screen size. Car stereos are made to standard sizes. This unit will not have the sound quality of the original equipment. A quality car deserves a better quality stereo

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Q: Is the joint 14mm or 18mm?

gevraagd door zedorda op 2021-05-14 17:01:12

MacHoban it's 14mm.

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