
Q: is it include the remote switch the one goes in the light?

gevraagd door haidernadeem197 op 2019-08-31 13:17:28

hyperkrychle No, switch only, the reciever needs to be bought separately.

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Q: can I just put a plug on to the wires and plug it in th 240v NZ

gevraagd door Wayne op 2018-04-27 20:42:22

hyperkrychle You need to put a 18V regulator first. This is not a charger circuit but a battery one. If you are not clear about the difference, do not attempt anything.

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hyperkrychle A standalone receiver, battery (probably 12V or 3S) and a voltage regulator, since most FPV receivers work on 12V but this works on 5V.

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