
Q: what should be i/p voltage of the battery?

gevraagd door darshan.nee15 op 2019-03-05 23:39:06

Arkadipghosh it gives 5 volt DC to output to the battery connecting point

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Arkadipghosh since it submersible so u don't have to connect intake pipe which is the horizontal opening vertical is output

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Q: is it ok to mix capacity of batteries ??

gevraagd door Grant_Horan op 2020-01-08 04:09:09

Arkadipghosh it advisable not to mix up cause it may damage the the circuit also product specification say its of 18650 battery

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Q: How much the thickness of coating layer?

gevraagd door tarajyaoudeh op 2019-12-17 12:39:19

Arkadipghosh not sure about that but powerful magnets

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Q: can i connect the solar panel directly to this item?

gevraagd door Sathiakumar Pournami op 2018-05-13 04:02:51

Arkadipghosh yes u can connect but make sure that your solar panel gives 12 v n must be of a high wattage power output

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