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  • 23/03/2021

    the truck is amazing it comes with everything you need.It has 3 modes for the LEDS and speed. ready to run, but some things you need to know is it's not good for off-road I drove it through grass and it got stuck so it's better for indoors and the roads or side walks. One more thing I live in the US Texas and it took way to long to ship and deliver it idk if it was bad luck or back order, but keep that in mind. It's a amazing truck and it's really fun to play with

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    Toon origineel
  • 10/02/2021

    This is by far the best fun for money in a all round rc car that has 4wd giro drift capability, the kit comes complete ready to go with chose of batterys, a good style n quality product and durability of product including the truck the remote battery and charger aswell as some drift wheels and off road wheels a tool n extra links and a good detailed manual to get you going, run time is good even better with chose of extra batterys. The car is made very well is fast has lights and is easy to manuver. the controls are really indepth to how you can set up the handling of the car and once masterd can make drifting with the aided gyro look easy for all ages. This rtr version is easily the best quality for price and lots of fun completely hobby grade so parts are easily replaced or upgraded for more fun or power with spare parts guide in the manual to help keep the fun alive.the car has several light options for the front lights and a rear brake light adds to the already awsome looks, the car has 3speed setting on the control aswell to help learners or to suit enviroment use, aswell as trims for the steering and gyro options making it one of the best cheep rc cars on the market that can run indoor or outdoor.

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