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  • 20/09/2021

    I love this RTF kit! I got the caddix loris 4k bundle. bit more pricey but I've been having a blast with it over the short few weeks I've had it. took about 1 and a half months to come in. I will say. the little guy can take a beating. I've smashed it against my roof, face first in the ground, and into tree limbs. I also landed it in a puddle of water. let it dry over night. the little guy just bounces right back up. great great beginner kit. however. I was getting a bit cocky and did a flip over my house. lost control and slammed the drone down on the edge of my a/c unit. the camera lens cracked, and the plug d/c'ed from the receiver. I plugged the receiver back up to the board. plugged the batteries back up and video was in goggles. the SD recorded my next flight in 4k too! now it just has a little Crack on the lens. but its put of the view. might get moisture in there eventually... not sure. a replacement camera on Amazon runs about 189 bucks.

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  • 29/09/2021

    Produto excelente, demorou uns 18 dias para o Brasil, as fotos abaixo da para ver o tamanho da embalagem caso alguém queira ter noção do tamanho.

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