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Q: Will this work with the 2 speed transmission motor for WPL B36?

gevraagd door BG141114154 op 2022-04-06 05:38:17

mortimersmythe Yes, absolutely, 20 or 30 amp will work fine.

2022-04-06 05:55:05 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (3)

BG324092238 yes you can use a regular 2s battery

2023-01-13 09:03:58 Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (4)

Q: Do the lights work? Or dose it need wires to complete?

gevraagd door BG141114154 op 2022-01-25 04:59:45

Austin The lights are only for decoration, they are just flat stickers. If you want to add lights you may be able to drill out some holes to place some in.

2022-01-25 10:32:59 Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (2)

Q: Dose the adapter have a xt30 plug attachment?

gevraagd door BG141114154 op 2022-03-19 07:13:23

stingray no it doesn't

2022-03-19 02:26:21 Nuttig (2)
antwoorden (2)

Q: What is size of the wheel hex?

gevraagd door BG141114154 op 2023-03-15 03:05:36

KasGrn 12mm AS it say's in heading

2023-04-25 10:46:48 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (2)

Q: where can i buy more receivers?

gevraagd door BG135017171 op 2022-01-11 06:01:59

BG141114154 Ithink they sell them. The remote is similar to Dumbo RC.

2023-03-28 08:54:55 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (3)

Q: Is it comes with Korea or EU plug?

gevraagd door 이창민 op 2019-11-27 02:55:28

BG141114154 Comeswith EU plug or US plug. You choose the plug type before order.

2023-03-28 08:53:21 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (4)