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Arie_Dekker Use the circuit as intended. Parallel switching quickly leads to high temperatures and an incorrectly functioning.

2021-07-03 02:10:03 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (3)

Arie_Dekker I replace those filters with cotton wool from the medicine cabinet. That's the easiest method.

2021-06-08 05:41:14 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

Q: Is there a way to adjust how much the brake is engaged?

gevraagd door stevebosch op 2021-03-24 06:52:55

Arie_Dekker I do that by controlling with an arduino

2021-03-25 05:31:27 Nuttig (0)
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Q: Can it control a brushless 12 volt fan motor?

gevraagd door BG441463863 op 2021-03-15 10:03:22

Arie_Dekker Yes it can.

2021-03-15 11:22:30 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (2)

Arie_Dekker I don't have that product. Visible Flashing of the LEDs is an unwanted side effect. I rate this as a product failure.

2021-01-05 02:26:56 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (5)

Q: Can we use in the Philippines?

gevraagd door naimnaim143 op 2020-10-12 11:28:27

Arie_Dekker Yes, this phone has English language designations.

2020-10-13 05:33:10 Nuttig (1)
antwoorden (5)

Q: when will it be available again?

gevraagd door gpmonza op 2020-09-04 05:59:35

Arie_Dekker Dear gpmonza, I use that product in my RC boat. I am a user and not a producer.

2020-09-06 02:48:56 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

Q: this lipo cant ius for, sst hobby bugy RC???

gevraagd door chinomontoyo77 op 2018-10-04 03:53:52

Arie_Dekker Yesyou can, this lipo is strong enough for it.

2020-08-31 04:28:16 Nuttig (0)
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Q: Do exist here conector for this cable?

gevraagd door pescador32 op 2020-08-06 07:17:39

Arie_Dekker yesconnectors exist for this, but I use them to be soldered.

2020-08-31 04:25:12 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)