
Q: Bandbreite 20Mhz oder 250Mhz?

gevraagd door kleine-martin op 2018-11-30 11:51:45

Rezaghazai Bandwidth of Hantek 6254 is 250MHZ. Model 6104 has 100MHZ bandwidth. 20MHZ is the bandwidth limit (data transfer) between the scope and the computer.

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Rezaghazai Lots of confusion,however bandwidth for Hantek 6254 is 250MHZ. Model 6104 has 100MHZ bandwidth. 20MHZ is the bandwidth limit (data transfer) between the scope and the computer.

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Q: It has 3 pin Wire

gevraagd door shashi21179 op 2018-07-23 07:26:04

Rezaghazai Red line to positive,black line to negative and white line to computer main board to test speed.

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