
Q: compre su kit, podría enviar especificaciones técnicas del motor ?

gevraagd door BG231439131 op 2020-07-30 01:57:49

mehmetbagmanci The technical document was out of the box when I bought it. I think you can find it online.

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Q: How fast will it go? And how fast does a 24 volt battery make it go

gevraagd door tmoneyarnold op 2020-04-17 13:20:07

mehmetbagmanci I think it's better if you get a kit with hub motor. This system is not very stable. I used this motor to remove it from the bike and convert my son's car to electric

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Q: Can I use a52

gevraagd door tulloch1964 op 2021-05-23 03:04:39

mehmetbagmanci For 750w, Yes u can use 52v battery. İf you use a 52v battery you better limit the current to 20a. Because the driver may be damaged. I think you'd better use a 48v one.

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Q: tip 1 tip 2 tip 3 hangisiini seçmeliyim

gevraagd door oltulu1 op 2021-05-05 03:36:55

mehmetbagmanci Bisikletinin göbeğinin genişliğine göre seçmelisin, tip standart 68-73 arası genişlikte olan bisikletler için. Tip2, tip 3 ekstrem tarzı bisikletler için, fatbikeler gibi

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