
Q: Hi, what do i need to make this work with Tamiya?

gevraagd door JMS728 op 2022-01-18 19:11:30

enrarot It's 100% compatible with Tamiya kit cars.

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Q: does this have an adjustable drag brake?

gevraagd door BG224817541 op 2021-09-12 18:56:56

enrarot Yes. Many levels of drag brake adjustment.

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Q: Still not clear for me what for is this tool. Could anybody explain?

gevraagd door krabog op 2019-06-04 03:55:23

enrarot You put the can in the opening and squeeze. It then punctures the side of the can and presses the can against the seal and the content is available through the brass valve. If you don't know how to use it you dont' need it.

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Q: is it orignal not any logo

gevraagd door Rmonga op 2018-11-03 05:41:22

enrarot I received mine today. There's a Cheerlux logo on the lens cover.

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