
Q: does it propotional?

gevraagd door BG168151154 op 2020-12-06 11:00:17

BG158115285 Yes

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antwoorden (5)

Q: I want to get driver guy for my jjrc q65 Willy jeep

gevraagd door Zaildar NP op 2019-08-30 07:22:22

BG158115285 Iam looking for one aswell unable to find one action man is to tall at 30cm looking for one about 20cm still looking.

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antwoorden (1)

BG158115285 Just received my willys jeep only a two cell battery .On the picture it shows a four cell battery am i able to order a four cell battery and what is the code no cheers.

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antwoorden (4)