
Q: how long to arrive to Sydney Australia?

gevraagd door BG213956104 op 2021-11-20 22:04:21

FlyerFpv Hello, You can take a look on the product shipping info. Around 3 to 6 days because you have AU warehouse available. Regards

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FlyerFpv Olá, Não, você tem que escolher o melhor método de envio para o Brasil para tentar evitar taxas, para o Brasil é muito difícil evitar taxas, boa sorte.

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Q: will this Poco f3 work in Australia, is the phone unlocked?

gevraagd door BG365455343 op 2021-09-30 20:30:56

FlyerFpv Global will work in Australia, unlocked. youtu be khiWyrniU-s

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