
Q: Hi, do you have green led? And as for the magnet, will it come in a full magnet? Thanks!

gevraagd door Sarah Micah Requina op 2020-01-07 02:46:17

BG229103841 I have seen it only with yellow. The are 4 magnets in each leg. I try to attach a pic in my review

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BG229103841 WiFi is different than xG. "G" stands for "GENERATION". While connected to the internet, the speed of the connection depends upon the signal strength that is shown in abbreviations like 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc. on any mobile device. Each generation of wireless broadband is defined as a set of telephone network standards that describe the technological implementation of the system.

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Q: This headset woks with the PS5 console?

gevraagd door freitasbruno op 2021-01-08 09:14:58

BG229103841 Use the USB-A cable and plug it into a USB-A port on the PlayStation 5 console. The sound will now play via the gaming headset.

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