
Q: will this fit in fayee fy003?

gevraagd door BG551448171 op 2021-02-05 15:15:13

rcme I don't think so

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rcme You have to have an upscaler for the HDMI to go down to audio video and you have to have the jacket plugged in on the right side of the headset it looks like a microphone Jack or a earphone Jack

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Q: I have eyeglasses is there a piece to put the glasses in?

gevraagd door BG135101542 op 2023-09-05 13:21:17

rcmeme There is not enough room to put glasses on with this

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rcmeme If you get the combo you'll be able to put one in the receiver and one in the transmitter and if there's better antennas you will get better reception

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