
Q: In receiver mode, how it works,,,contains built in battery????????

gevraagd door powertechniques@gmai op 2019-10-03 20:06:49

ZexXx No battery, plug into USB to get power (via USB) ...

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Q: What is the 1$ into indian curency?

gevraagd door Sarvesh Mundada op 2018-11-18 05:55:41

ZexXx What's your currency tag? USA is $ a and yours is?

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Q: what are the items in the box? it's a 3 in 1 means ?

gevraagd door siva subramanian op 2019-12-16 07:47:08

ZexXx That means you get a receiver-transmitter and 2 cables with 3.5mm plugs on each side (plug-cable-plug).

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Q: is it sharp

gevraagd door 786PEEYUSH op 2018-01-01 10:14:27

ZexXx They are very sharp, you can cut your nails ...

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