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Flywoo Firefly 1S Nano 1)20g Ultralight 40mm Micro Drone 2)With GOKU Versatile F4 5IN1 1S AIO 3)Perfect for freestyle and crusing
Flywoo CineRace20 HD 1)As flexible as Racing Drone 2)As stable as Cine Drone
Flywoo Explorer LR4 1)The lightweight 4-inch Quad Below 250g 2)Equipped with GOKU 16X16 MICRO STACK 3)can get up to 20 minutes for cruising
FLYWOO, established in February 2018. We’re dedicated to creating FPV drones and parts with superior quality by helping more people get into FPV hobby and enjoy the joy of flying, speed and exploration. Innovation, R&D and quality are the concepts in FPV industry. That is why our teams work tirelessly to provide you with products that are carefully developed and a customer experience that makes you feel funny.
16x16mm Flywoo GOKU BS13A V2 13A BLheli_S 2-4S 4in1 Borstelloze ESC voor RC Drone FPV Racing
US$31.99 US$38.99
US$32.99 US$39.99
US$63.99 US$76.99
US$42.99 US$51.99
US$11.33 US$22.66
5 STKS Flywoo 15x180mm / 15x250mm Batterijriem Gouden metalen gesp voor Lipo Batterij RC Drone
US$6.99 US$8.99