So, after a lot of grief I managed to get all the upgrades fitted and working correctly. The problems with this upgrade set starts with the fact that there are no instructions, not that I could find anyway, add to that the general small size of all the components, the fact my close in sight is pretty bad, and that I am old and drink too much coffee makes for a very fiddly and frustrating job. The 1st time I got it all back together I noted there was massive play in the head assembly, almost like the feathering shaft was now too long, this lead to the helicopter being uncontrollable. So here's where instructions would came in handy, because what's not immediately obvious is that you need to reuse parts from the head your are replacing. There are 2 clear rubber like bearing or spacers that need to go in the spinner thingy on top, but not only that, but there are 2 conical shaped metal spacers that need to be reused, these spacer are tiny so easily lost, luckily I was using a magnetic parts tray, so I still had them. The same wasn't true with the rubber bearing things, I had lost one of those, which I couldn't find again, but I just reused 1 of the bearing from the original set, after that all was good. Not too sure if it flies any better now, but it does look the part. I'd say this set is good, a great price, but very fiddly to fit, if you don't mind that then go for it. The XK K110S is a nice little true collective heli, just a bit bigger than the Nano S3, which for me, makes it a better size.
So, after a lot of grief I managed to get all the upgrades fitted and working correctly. The problems with this upgrade set starts with the fact that there are no instructions, not that I could find anyway, add to that the general small size of all the components, the fact my close in sight is pretty bad, and that I am old and drink too much coffee makes for a very fiddly and frustrating job. The 1st time I got it all back together I noted there was massive play in the head assembly, almost like the feathering shaft was now too long, this lead to the helicopter being uncontrollable. So here's where instructions would came in handy, because what's not immediately obvious is that you need to reuse parts from the head your are replacing. There are 2 clear rubber like bearing or spacers that need to go in the spinner thingy on top, but not only that, but there are 2 conical shaped metal spacers that need to be reused, these spacer are tiny so easily lost, luckily I was using a magnetic parts tray, so I still had them. The same wasn't true with the rubber bearing things, I had lost one of those, which I couldn't find again, but I just reused 1 of the bearing from the original set, after that all was good. Not too sure if it flies any better now, but it does look the part. I'd say this set is good, a great price, but very fiddly to fit, if you don't mind that then go for it. The XK K110S is a nice little true collective heli, just a bit bigger than the Nano S3, which for me, makes it a better size.
So, after a lot of grief I managed to get all the upgrades fitted and working correctly. The problems with this upgrade set starts with the fact that there are no instructions, not that I could find anyway, add to that the general small size of all the components, the fact my close in sight is pretty bad, and that I am old and drink too much coffee makes for a very fiddly and frustrating job. The 1st time I got it all back together I noted there was massive play in the head assembly, almost like the feathering shaft was now too long, this lead to the helicopter being uncontrollable. So here's where instructions would came in handy, because what's not immediately obvious is that you need to reuse parts from the head your are replacing. There are 2 clear rubber like bearing or spacers that need to go in the spinner thingy on top, but not only that, but there are 2 conical shaped metal spacers that need to be reused, these spacer are tiny so easily lost, luckily I was using a magnetic parts tray, so I still had them. The same wasn't true with the rubber bearing things, I had lost one of those, which I couldn't find again, but I just reused 1 of the bearing from the original set, after that all was good. Not too sure if it flies any better now, but it does look the part. I'd say this set is good, a great price, but very fiddly to fit, if you don't mind that then go for it. The XK K110S is a nice little true collective heli, just a bit bigger than the Nano S3, which for me, makes it a better size.