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A dual action trigger and canister at a low cost. Everything received as advertised. I tried it with water and then alcohol. It works but it took a little fiddling to get it spraying adequately. Next I tried 2 drops of cheap acrylic mixed with alcohol. It was too thick though so I added more alcohol but the needle was sticky. Used blow back to mix and free the needle. It worked but was spotty. I cleaned it up and will try again. Of note I wasn't using airbrush paint. I think the cheap acrylic will work but proper mix rate and mixing agents will be trial and error. I'm satisfied with my purchase. This obviously is not a professional airbrush but I think it will work for basic tasks. Plus with the adapter I think you can use a different and better airbrush pen.
Anche se la scatole è arrivata danneggiata, il piccolo aerografo sembra funzionare per bene, dovrò fare qualche prova per vedere le effettive capacità, ma per ora sono felice che tutto sia arrivato funzionante. Non ci sono delle chiare spiegazioni su come pulirlo e fare la manutenzione dopo l'uso e il solo foglietto non è il massimo della chiarezza. Spero di poter usare tutti i colori per aerografo per modellismo... speriamo! Vi allego delle foto! ;)